ECOWAS Community Court gets Jérôme Traoré as new President

Judges of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice have reconstituted the bureau of the Court with the election of Honorable Justice Jérôme Traoré from Burkina Faso as the new President of the Court, Honourable Justice Micah Wilkins Wright from Liberia as Vice President and Honorable Justice Hameye Foune Mahalmadane from Mali as the Dean.

Justice Traore, who becomes the first male President of the 15 –year old Court, will serve a two-year term with the other members of the bureau.

The new President, who replaces Honorable Justice Maria Do Céu Silva Monteiro, whose two-year term ends on June 18, 2016, was until his election the Dean of the Court.

Under the Regulation approving its organizational structure, the Bureau of the Court is responsible for the Court’s strategic orientation and for supervising its management and administration.

It also examines the work programme of the Court and provides the policy guidelines for the Court’s annual budget including its management.



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