Rwanda: World police chiefs discuss cybercrime in Africa

posted in: Africa

Sheikh Musa Fazil Harelimana

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) – Police officials from 40 countries across the world rose from a three-day annual general assembly of the International Association of police chiefs (IACP), agreeing to strengthen cooperation in the fight against cybercrime, money laundering, terrorism as well as the proliferation of light weapons, IACP said in a communique.

They also agreed to harmonize standards, regulations, laws and practices in order to strengthen operation and intervention mechanisms of the community police in their respective countries.

African police officers at the meeting agreed to improve training and institutional capacity-building as well as collaborate in the development of an appropriate infrastructure for the collection and sharing of relevant security information where the police throughout the world will work closely with a view to promoting economic development.

“To better fight against trans-border and organized crimes, security authorities must be equipped with modern means ( … ), which require the updating of knowledge and information,” according to the Rwandan Interior Minister, Sheikh Musa Fazil Harelimana.

“Our aim is to fight against crime and ensure that the contemporary police play their role to build a more secured world ( … ) It is therefore important to promote the use of these new techniques in other African countries,” said the IACP president, Yousry Zakhary.

The IACP meeting was held to enable the police chiefs work out areas of cooperation in the region to discuss the practical problems posed by crime across the continent.
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Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) – Les responsables de la Police de quelque 40 pays du monde, réunis depuis trois jours à Kigali, au Rwanda, en marge de l’Assemblée générale annuelle de l’Association internationale des patrons de police (IACP, sigle en anglais), ont convenu de renforcer la coopération en matière de lutte contre la cybercriminalité, le blanchiment d’argent, le terrorisme ainsi que la lutte contre la prolifération des armes légères, indique le communiqué final de la rencontre.


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