Undocumented New Yorkers and allies urge Majority Leader Schumer to create a pathway to citizenship

Photos credit: Isseu Diouf Campbell

Undocumented New Yorkers and their allies say they are tired of empty promises. This week, they showed it with a series of events in Brooklyn to pressure Democrats and particularly Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer to include a pathway to citizenship in this year’s budget reconciliation package.

On Tuesday, October 5, dozens of immigrants and allies began a #NoSleepTilCitizenship at the doorstep of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s Brooklyn home.
The New York Immigration Coalition NYIC followed up Tuesday’s actions with a postcard writing campaign the next day. Immigrant advocates delivered the postcards created to Senator Schumer’s office.
And on Friday, October 8, the immigrant rights organization closed the week out with a Bicycle Ride 4 Relief, a justice ride around Senator Chuck Schumer’s Brooklyn Home in Prospect Park.

The community organizations advocating for a path to citizenship include the New York Immigration Coalition, Adhikaar, NICE, Center for Popular Democracy, CUFF Carroll Gardens, Make the Road New York, and Faith in New York.



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