SBS Connects MWBEs with NYC Agencies and Private Companies for Contracting Opportunities

Photos credit: Isseu Diouf Campbell

On November 4, 2024, the NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) hosted its 16th Annual Citywide Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) Procurement Fair at Cipriani South Street in Lower Manhattan. The fair aimed to connect over 3,000 certified minority- and women-owned businesses in New York City with public and private contracting opportunities and other resources.

More than 80 city and state agencies, public authorities, and private-sector companies participated in the annual event.

Several city officials, including Mayor Eric Adams, SBS Commissioner Dynishal Gross, New York City’s first Chief Business Diversity Officer Michael Garner, and Chief Procurement Officer and Director of the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services Lisa Flores, addressed the attendees.

According to Garner, under Mayor Adams’ administration, the city has awarded more than $14 billion in contracts to minority- and women-owned businesses.


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